Locating Mold in your Commercial Building
4/29/2021 (Permalink)
Locating the sources of moisture—and then removing them—can put an end to your facility’s mold problems once and for all.
Mold is part of our natural environment, which means it can find a home on any surface or in any nook of your commercial space. When mold starts eating away at materials, and affecting the look, smell or even the structural integrity of a building (particularly with wood-framed structures), the problem can quickly become a major issue.
Mold can grow on virtually any substance, as long as moisture or water, oxygen and an organic source is present. Molds reproduce by creating tiny spores (viable seeds) that usually require magnification in order to be seen by the naked eye, and its spores continually float through the indoor and outdoor air.
How mold impacts your building
When mold spores land on a damp spot and begin growing, they digest whatever they land on in order to survive. There are molds that grow on wood, paper, carpet, food and insulation, while other molds feast on the everyday dust and dirt that gather in the moist regions of a building.
Mold begins to multiply whenever excessive moisture or water accumulates indoors, and can run rampant if the moisture problem itself remains uncorrected. While it is virtually impossible to eliminate eradicate all molds and mold spores controlling the moisture in the air can control indoor mold growth.
The good news is that by finding and eliminating that source of moisture, you can reduce the chances of ever getting mold in the first place.
Mold in your commercial space? Contact the professionals here at SERVPRO of Oldham/Shelby County. 502.241.6861