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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

So you woke up to a wet basement?

2/25/2025 (Permalink)

So You Woke Up To A Wet Basement?

Surprise! You Have a Wet Basement.

 It is very possible to move into a home and not realize that it has a wet basement. The signs of Water Damage are often subtle and some home sellers purposely hide the evidence of a damp or wet basement. Even home inspectors have been known to miss the signs of a leaky basement, especially during times of drought or sporadic rainfall. 

Way Too Much Water

As the global temperature continues to rise, more and more cases of sudden downpours and extreme rainfall are expected. Reports of severe weather outbreaks are becoming much more common across the United States.

Heavy rainfalls and sudden downpours often overwhelm sump pumps. Cracks in the walls or foundation allow the water to seep in. But even a seemingly “watertight” home can have problems when the water that has seeped into the ground in the area surrounding the home becomes saturated. The pressure of this water on the concrete walls and floors of the basement become too much, and the water begins to seep into the basement through these barriers.

In addition, water that gets into the basement or any area of a home can often be traced back to clogged gutters.

Once water gets in, it’s a problem. If not properly addressed, it becomes a much bigger and much more expensive problem.

A Little Water Goes a Long Way

 A flooded basement, wet, squishy carpeting, and water marks on walls and ceilings are hard to overlook. But water has a way of discreetly finding its way into the tiniest cracks and oftentimes, goes completely unnoticed. Small leaks also tend to be inconspicuous. These small but steady water intrusions can cause serious damage. Homeowners should be on the lookout for signs of water seepage and slow leaks:

  • Musty odor in certain areas of your home
  • Peeling paint or discoloration
  • Wood floors that are cupping
  • Spike in your water bill

What’s the Big Deal?

 So there are a few areas of damp carpet. And some sections of drywall are dark with water marks. They’ll dry, right? Not likely. In fact, even with the help of fans and a dehumidifier, carpets, furniture, walls…anything that’s been exposed to water is not going to dry quickly and efficiently enough to prevent the scourge of mold.

The EPA advises that homeowners who choose to hire a contractor to remove evidence of mold should “make sure the contractor has experience cleaning up mold.”

Water Damage or Mold In Your Home Or Business? Contact the professionals at SERVPRO of Oldham/Shelby/Trimble/Henry/Spencer today to speak to a Mitigation or Remediation specialists. 502.241.6861

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